Summer session 2021 is completed.
Summer session 2021 is completed.
Summer session 2021 is completed.
3GPP Mission Critical LTE Basics
In Oct. and Nov. 2020, and Feb. and Mar. 2021, TASSTA organized five 2-day training sessions with Harald Ludwig as speaker. More than 200 participants completed the training about 3GPP MCX services – Mission Critical Push-to-Talk, Push-to-Video and Data; about how to make your network Mission Critical grade and more aspects of Mission Critical Communications.
The idea for an online training was born as Kaveh Hosseinzadeh, TASSTA’s General Manager, participated in the Mission Critical LTE Communications training in Vienna in September 2020. The concept fulfills TASSTA’s mission to provide education and information to raise the knowledge of the industry and its users. TASSTA wants to make sure that any user receives a perfect fit solution and nothing else. The training, held by Harald Ludwig, founder and managing director of Arico Technologie, and TCCA Technical Forum chair, created a new milestone. He made clear what Mission Critical stands for, showed the advantages of LTE and Broadband, pointed out how testing and standardization work and why they are used. The training gave a perfect overview of Mission Critical and Mission Critical Communication (MCX) and its advantages. It also made clear why Mission Critical LTE and 5G Solution will be used in the future.
But why should only TASSTA benefit from it and not also the customers who want to use MCX applications and devices? Following the principle of “make the user an expert in his product”, Kaveh Hosseinzadeh did not hesitate and asked Mr. Ludwig to create an adapted online version of the training.
Interactive online training for Mission Critical Users
The idea was to adapt the training so that it was long enough to cover all the important content and short enough to be able to follow it comfortably from the home office. The content should be designed as informative as possible and presented in such a way that a participant with basic knowledge can follow. The target was to provide the right portion of information for not only technical people but also sales and others to educate everyone about this very new topic. The interactive training was a complete success. The participants were very happy that “[…] we were given the opportunity to complete such professional training, in times of Covid-19.” Harald Ludwig also sees the training as successful: “At the beginning I was a bit skeptical whether a webinar training could work at all. But after several rounds and very positive feedback from the participants, I am now convinced that it is possible to pass on more complex issues in a webinar. This means that the time in the home office can also be used well for further training and qualification”.
We at TASSTA are very glad, to having such a strong community of inquisitively people. If you have more questions about MCX, TASSTA or our webinars, follow us on our several social media channels like LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, register to our newsletter or email us!
Harald Ludwig
Arico Technologies – Managing Director
Kaveh Hosseinzadeh
TASSTA GmbH – General Manager
Harald Ludwig is the founder and managing director of Arico Technologies. He received a Master’s Degree in Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications from the Vienna University of Technology.
He has more than ten years of experience in the professional mobile radio industry and worked for several years for a company that develops safety-critical communication systems. His responsibilities included infrastructure system design, integration and testing, standardization and interoperability testing, studies, training and presentations, intellectual property rights, patents and licensing.
In 2006 Harald Ludwig was appointed chairman of the TETRA Association Technical Forum, which is responsible for the technical interoperability of TETRA systems and terminals.
- What is Mission Critical?
- Mission Critical Requirements
- User Groups & Markets
- Standardization & Benefits of Standards
- LTE Architecture & Interfaces
- Mission Critical Enablers
- Mission Critical Features, incl. MCPTT (Mission Critical Push To Talk), MCVIDEO, MCDATA
- Deployment of Mission Critical Services
Extended Program
High Caliber Speaker
Recognized Certificate
All participants received their signed certificate, after successfully taking part in the online training sessions.