TASSTA Mission Critical Solution
TASSTA develops professional applications for communication over broadband networks. With customer requirements at the center of our business, our value proposition is: If you can think it, we can do it.
Our applications provide Mission Critical Push-to-Talk, Push-to-Video, GPS location and Indoor localization, Task manager, Patrol control, legacy radio network integration and much more.
Learn more Contact us
によるミッション クリティカルな通信
TASSTAはブロードバンドネットワークを通じて通信 するためのプロフェッショナルアプリケーションを開発して います。お客様のニーズをビジネスの中心に据えた私たちの 価値提案は、「考えられることは、私たちが実現します。」 です。
私たちのアプリケーションは、ミッションクリティカルなプ ッシュ・トゥ・トーク、プッシュ・トゥ・ビデオ、GPS位置 情報と屋内位置情報、タスク管理、パトロール制御、既存の ラジオネットワークとの統合など、多くの機能を提供しま。
3GPPミッションクリティカルLTEソリューション TASSTAのMCXソリューションは、3GPP仕様に完全に準拠し たサービスを全般的に提供しています。具体的には、ミッシ ョンクリティカルプッシュ・トゥ・トーク(MCPTT)、ミッ ションクリティカルビデオ(MCVideo)、ミッションクリテ ィカルデータ(MCData)があります。適合性と相互運用性は 、MCXプラグテストプログラムを通じて検証されており、 TASSTAは2017年から定期的に参加しています。
Effective and reliable communication is what the police need. They must be able to rely on the fact that their communication solution is always functional and ready for use.軍隊
The working conditions of the army are variable and hazardous. In situations like these, it is necessary to have a communication solution that allows multiple users to communicate and rely on the connection at the same time.緊急サービス
TASSTA’s emergency solutions will help your team stay in contact and respond to critical circumstances with effective tools that will keep a tight rein on the situation. Employees of emergency services are able to resolve incidents in a fast and organized way.空港
Communication at long distances is one of the most commonplace practices now. As technology moves forward, we need to keep up with it. TASSTA is committed to help critical communications stay under control and up to date with the world’s changes.ロジスティクス
Stay in contact with your entire team, control routes and keep your workforce secure in any part of the world. TASSTA gives you the possibility to control the efficiency of all paths and helps you stay up to date on all locations and eventualities throughout the course of your team’s tasks.Police
Effective and reliable communication is what the police need. They must be able to rely on the fact that their communication solution is always functional and ready for use.Army
The working conditions of the army are variable and hazardous. In situations like these, it is necessary to have a communication solution that allows multiple users to communicate and rely on the connection at the same time.Emergency services
TASSTA’s emergency solutions will help your team stay in contact and respond to critical circumstances with effective tools that will keep a tight rein on the situation. Employees of emergency services are able to resolve incidents in a fast and organized way.Airports
Communication at long distances is one of the most commonplace practices now. As technology moves forward, we need to keep up with it. TASSTA is committed to help critical communications stay under control and up to date with the world’s changes.Logistics
Stay in contact with your entire team, control routes and keep your workforce secure in any part of the world. TASSTA gives you the possibility to control the efficiency of all paths and helps you stay up to date on all locations and eventualities throughout the course of your team’s tasks.標準 & 認証
TASSTA is a Samsung Mobile Silver Business Partner
We’re thrilled to announce that TASSTA has been awarded the prestigious “Samsung Mobile Silver Business Partner Certificate for 2024”! This remarkable achievement underscores our commitment to excellence and innovation in mobile communication solutions.
- 個別通話
- グループ通話
- 優先通話
- 緊急通話
- リモートコントロール
- テキストおよびデータ交換
- ステータスメッセージ
- 単独作業者保護
- 音声録音
- 通話履歴
- GPS位置情報
- GPS履歴トラッカー
- GPSルート
- タスク管理
- 屋内位置情報
Amazon クラウド上で実行されています。
どのスマートデバイスでも使用でき、すべてのWi- Fi/データネットワークを組み合わせることができます。ヘッ ドセット、マイクロフォン、堅牢なデバイスなどのアクセサ リーでカスタマイズ可能です。デバイス、ネットワーク、ア クセサリーの組み合わせを自由に選んでください!
TASSTAソリューションでテストされたデバイスとアクセサ リーのリストをご覧ください。
Press Release: TASSTA Joins Forces with EUWENA to Drive European Private Mobile Network Adoption
We, TASSTA, a leading innovator in mission-critical communication solutions, are thrilled to announce our membership in the European Users Wireless
Press Release: New School Active Shooter and Critical Event Unified Command Response Module by Tassta Americas
Send audio, video and GPS locations to First Responders and the assigned 911 Command Center through our RapidSOS integration.
TASSTA is a Samsung Mobile Silver Business Partner
We’re thrilled to announce that TASSTA has been awarded the prestigious **Samsung Mobile Silver Business Partner Certificate for 2024**! This