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T.Flex is an all-in-one Mission Critical communications powerhouse that connects people in a variety of ways in a wide range of situations. Its capabilities comprise Voice and Video Calls, Messaging, Tracking (including Indoor Localization), Task Management and more.

What does T.Flex do?


Delivers instant, prioritized communication with crystal-clear audio, even in the most challenging conditions. Experience reliable push-to-talk on any device.


Securely and reliably transfers critical data, pinpoints locations, and more, optimizing your team’s operations.


Provides real-time video sharing for improved decision-making and coordinated responses in critical situations.

T.Flex features

Audio calls

Group Call
This is the core functionality of any two-way radio system. Push-to-Talk (PTT) allows a single person to reach hundreds of users, organized in groups, with a single button press. TASSTA supports PTT group calls over high-speed IP networks and provides superb audio quality. With T.Rodon, it’s possible to make multiple group calls and see all users on the network on one or more screens.
Individual Call
This type of call allows users to communicate privately outside a group. A one-to-one simplex call is easy and fast to set up; this feature gives dispatchers a means for secure user-to-user simplex voice communications with the press of a button. A private message can be conveyed between a user in the field and the dispatch point. The user rejoins their groups when the personal call is completed.
Priority Call
TASSTA users can be assigned a priority level. Often, dispatchers are given the highest priority on the network, allowing them to take control of the channel to coordinate events. Priority calls give them the ability to take over the channel from subscribers in the field and ensure their messages get through.
Call history
The TASSTA system has unparalleled voice recording and call history capabilities including audio and video calls. Users can go back to a missed call or listen (watch) to a message that was left while they were offline. TASSTA can maintain call records on the network for months’ worth of voice communication among users. To view call details and replay records, use the T.Flex History interface accessible from the main menu. This feature is managed entirely in T.Commander, putting you 100% in control of the network.

Full-Duplex Call
It is another call option that enables a simultaneous communication of multiple users without floor control. It is important that when initiating a full-duplex call the recipients hear the caller and respond immediately without pressing the PTT button. This function is helpful when you need to connect to many people and get a prompt response from some of them.
Broadcast Call
Broadcast calls are normally intended for announcements and organizational information. In this type of call, the initiator subscribes specific users; these users can only listen and cannot opt out or answer
Listen to Multiple Channels
Managers and operators find it necessary for mission critical communications to be able to listen to various channels at the same time. T.Flex allows its users to listen to as many channels as they need. This feature is also available for the devices that have on screen.

Video calls

Video Call
T.Flex can operate one-to-one video calls, which the recipient can either accept or decline. The video call includes all the most regular functions like switching rear / front cameras and selecting the preferable speaker sound output and turning off the camera, microphone and speaker. Users can speak simultaneously
PTV (push-to-video) Call
Communication with the group members is also possible by means of PTV call. This type of video communication does not require confirmation from the recipient. The video starts immediately unless the recipient is already in another call. To reply the recipient needs to tap the PTT button, likewise it happens in a common call.
Live Video Streaming
A quick option for an instant video report is a Live Video Streaming. Selected users get notified about the stream. They are free to join or skip it. When joining the stream, the PTT button is active and enables all the participating users to join the conversation likewise in a Group Call.

Multi PTV Call
The list of participants in a multi PTV call is customizable. The call starts automatically for all the invited users. All the participants can speak after pressing a PTT button. In this mode of a video call the speakers can only talk one by one. Everyone can see only the one who is speaking at the moment.
Conference PTV Call
This type of video call enables the attendees to talk simultaneously with a PTV button held. All the participants can see the ones who are speaking at the moment.

Lone worker protection and emergency

Emergency Call
The Emergency Call feature is designed to keep the T.Flex user safe and in contact with help. It is intended for use in emergency or distress situations. The T.Flex user initiates the Emergency Call from the touchscreen or a pre-programmed emergency button on the device. This immediately sends an alarm (tones) and the user’s location to the other group members and the dispatcher, alerting them of an emergency. The user is immediately granted a voice channel for hands-free communication. The emergency stays in place until the situation is resolved.
Covert Emergency
In this mode emergency call is operated in an unnoticeable way, the user’s phone screen remains either off or with the initial PTT button screen on. This mode can be used in dangerous situations when the user’s life can be under threat of another suspicious person.

Lone Worker Protection

Lone Worker Protection (LWP) is based on automatic emergency notifications (Man Down). The accelerometer on the mobile device is used for detecting a fall, and a text message alert is sent to the emergency contact if this happens. Automated Man Down alerting has proven to be an effective way to make the workplace a safer and healthier place for employees on all levels. TASSTA LWP is an emergency beacon in an employee’s pocket. Whether lone workers are working in a remote or dangerous location or are temporarily separated from their team, it keeps the user connected to people.

The LWP mode tracks the condition of the worker in terms of the sensors data and regular status messages. A big advantage of this mode is that it has been tested and certified with DGUV, that proves its compliance with the highest standards for mission critical communications and ensures worker’s safety.


The application provides real-time text messaging among individual and group users. The addressee of your message gets an instant notification (tone and icon). Messages are color-coded to indicate if they have been read. Offline users receive their messages immediately when they reconnect to the network. It is also possible to bridge the messaged via SMS and email.
File Exchange
T.Flex supports file exchange between single users and within a whole group. You can share any type of the documents by attaching them in the messages.

Status Messages
TASSTA Status Messages are predefined or user-defined. Predefined status messages enable the most efficient notification about the most common statuses. T.Flex users can send and receive Status Messages that are preconfigured in T.Commander. Both point-to-point (individual) and point-to-multipoint (group) messages are supported.
This feature is especially useful for the devices without screens, but is applicable for all of them. The channel, user names, alerts and notifications can be read aloud together with the notification sound if set by the Administrator.

Localization features

Location Sharing
T.Flex is integrated with the GPS receiver on the mobile device (smartphone or tablet). Tracking information from each user can be uploaded to the network in real-time. Users can track themselves or other users on a map within their T.Flex interface; the data is accurate to the house number. Localization is a great way to maintain location awareness of team members and to help respond quickly in an emergency.
Location History
Depending on customer requirements, the mobile devices can quickly turn into a cost-effective, portable communication terminal, with an unlimited coverage area. This is made possible by location tracking functionality. One of the compelling features of T.Flex is the ability to see user locations on the map. On the T.Flex map, you can see TASSTA users’ locations in real time, accurate to the house number. Location data from each user can be retrieved from the TASSTA server to draw the route for a particular time frame.
GPS Route
One of the compelling features of T.Flex is the ability to see user locations on the map. On the T.Flex map, you can see TASSTA users’ locations in real time, accurate to the house number. GPS data from each user can be retrieved from the TASSTA server to draw the route for a particular time frame.
Indoor Localization
Determine your own and other users’ indoor location. Indoor Localization is a significant complement to GPS. Unlike GPS, it does not provide global coverage, but it is more accurate, efficient, and adaptive to local enclosed environments such as airports, metro stations, tunnels and other areas.

GPS Localization
T.Flex is integrated with the GPS receiver on the mobile device (smartphone or tablet). Tracking information from each user can be uploaded to the network in real-time. Users can track themselves or other users on a map within their T.Flex interface; the data is accurate to the house number. Localization is a great way to maintain location awareness of team members and to help respond quickly in an emergency.
Geofencing feature can be activated for the work in dangerous or restricted areas. The app sends alerts when a user enters and leaves the zone. Also, this feature makes it possible to assign tasks for the group of people located in a particular zone.
Guard Tour
For security services and departments Guard Tours implemented in T.Flex will enable the companies to provide a better control over the lone workers together with ensuring their safety in dangerous working environment. It is possible to create guard tours with manual or automatic methods of passing a checkpoint. The app may also track the time spent between the checkpoints, and leaves the user the opportunity to pause and resume the tour.

Special features

Remote Control
The T.Flex operator can access the microphone or camera of the desired user remotely. It can be essential for critical environments like security services or the military, where the person can be attacked or is working under high-risk conditions.
Task Management
The application offers advanced capabilities for managing inventory, invoices, and tracking deliveries. The Task Manager provides users with issue management capabilities. It includes manual and automated processing algorithms with real-time status updates, user management, positioning, reporting, and administrative information. What’s more, the data can be integrated into other TASSTA services, web clients, and external databases.

Shortcuts Screen
My TASSTA section of T.Flex is a customized screen, where the most important and frequently used features can be added, removed and rearranged for the user’s convenience. This section simplifies and accelerates the work with the app.
Direct Wi-Fi Connection Mode
The easiest way to reach out to the devices in the same Wi-Fi network is to use Direct Mode in T.Flex on your smartphone. The app in this mode can perform only push-to-talk, including group calls, functionality. It requires only a user’s name and the port that the working group uses for communication. This mode is useful for prompt setting the device when visiting the site once in a while and when only basic features of emergency communication are required.

Security and compatibility

Multiple TASSTA accounts on one device
We made it possible to operate multiple accounts on the same device. This means that several users can use the same device, for example, when working shifts. This is a good point for the companies who want to reduce costs on communication and for the users who may need to have several accounts at work.
End-To-End Encryption
End-to-end encryption is always on in T.Flex. Audio, video and messages are encrypted on the user’s device. This measure eliminates the possibility of a man-in-the-middle attack and makes mission critical communication with TASSTA absolutely secure.

High compatibility
T.Flex is compatible with the most of the Mission Critical Push-To-Talk devices and accessories. It is also compatible with the regular Android and iOS device, though the capabilities of the app can be limited due to the absence of a physical emergency button and some sensors that the app may need to operate in Lone Worker Protection mode, for example.
T.Flex for Apple Watch
You can use the basic mission critical communication features on your Apple Watch – the PPT and Emergency call buttons. It is enough to hear and communicate instantly with your colleagues. It is a good communication solution for temporary and relatively safe working environment, where you need to be always available and be able to respond quickly. More features are scheduled in the next releases.

T.Flex Certificates

FirstNet Certified

FirstNet is the nationwide communications platform dedicated to America’s first responders and public safety community. FirstNet is purpose-built to enable the important work performed by first responders. FirstNet offers technology, features and functionality designed to properly handle the rigorous and unique demands of first responders. With this much-needed technology upgrade, first responders can connect to the critical information they need every day and in every emergency.


The TASSTA LWP passed the German DGUV Test, receiving the GS-certification. This German certification is recognized worldwide and it is very similar to the British BS 8484.

Download T.Flex

TASSTA T.Flex application is available for Android, iOS, and Win10 operation systems.

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