TASSTA GmbH celebrates its 10th Birthday in 2023

The #missioncritical telecommunications and IT industries have come a long way in the past decade. With the rapid growth of technology, companies like ours have had to evolve and innovate to meet our customers’ needs constantly. We are proud to say that over the past 10 years, we have been doing just that. Our company has been providing software solutions to thousands of users #worldwide, helping them communicate more effectively, locate what they need easily, and keep their information secure.
Our journey began 10 years ago when we saw an opportunity to make a difference in the #criticalcommunication #pushtotalk field. We recognized that people were looking for innovative solutions to improve their communication, localization, and security, and we wanted to provide those solutions. We set out with a mission to make the organizations a better connected and secure place, and we are proud to say that we have accomplished that goal.
Our team of experts has been working tirelessly to bring our customers the best possible #mcptt software solutions. We understand that communication is the key to success, which is why we have focused on improving how people communicate. Our #TASSTA solutions have made it easier for people to stay connected, no matter where they are in the world. With our solutions, people can communicate with each other in real time, making it easier for them to collaborate and work together.
#Localization has also been an essential part of our journey. We have been working hard to improve how people locate what they need indoors and outdoors. TASSTA software solutions have made it easier for people to find what they are looking for and to get to where they need to be. This has made it easier for people to stay organized and get things done more efficiently.
Our alarming and emergency Solution is making any work environment safer than ever. TASSTA’s certified #loneworkersafety protection is a set of safety measures and procedures aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of employees who work alone or in isolated environments, such as remote locations, offshore platforms, or alone at night. These measures aim to provide employees with a safe working environment and reduce the risks associated with working alone. Examples of lone worker protection include providing employees with personal protective equipment, access to emergency response systems, regular check-ins, and training on how to respond to hazardous situations. The aim is to prevent accidents and provide support to employees if they encounter difficulties while working alone.
Finally, #security has been a top priority for us. We understand that people’s information is valuable, which is why we have focused on ensuring that it is protected. Our software solutions have been designed with security in mind, ensuring that people’s information is always safe and secure. We have been working hard to stay ahead of the latest security threats and to provide our customers with peace of mind when it comes to the safety of their information.
In conclusion, we are proud to celebrate 10 years of excellence in the mission-critical communications and IT field. We have been dedicated to providing innovative software solutions to thousands of users worldwide and will continue to do so for many years. Our unwavering commitment to excellence has allowed us to continuously improve our offerings and meet the ever-evolving needs of our customers. Here’s to another decade of pushing the boundaries of technology and creating a better connected and secure world for all.
We are thankful for our partner and user trust and support. We look forward to serving you with excellence, innovation and mission-critical solutions for all your future challenges.
I am personally honoured and grateful to work with such a team which makes a difference and builds TASSTA solutions ahead of time.
Let’s continue and be our best selves.
Kaveh Hosseinzadeh, General Manager, TASSTA GmbH